Brow Lift

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Manhattan, NY and Queens, NY

A brow lift also called a forehead lift, targets loose skin and wrinkles caused by aging in the top third of the face. Loose forehead skin and overhanging brows can create unwanted changes to a patient’s resting facial expression, including creating an unintentional sad, tired, or angry appearance. Droopy skin can also hang over the eyes and cause vision impairment, harming the patient’s quality of life. A brow lift can target several commonly-cited problems resulting from aging, such as:

  • Deep forehead wrinkles
  • Glabellar lines between the eyebrows
  • Hooded upper eyelids
  • Horizontal wrinkles located on the nasal bridge
  • Sagging forehead skin
  • Overhanging skin that impairs vision

Brow lifts are also commonly paired with facelifts for total facial rejuvenation or with blepharoplasty to target excess eyelid skin that has further affected the patient’s vision or led to an aged appearance. Dr. Marc Everett will work with you to achieve your beauty goals and formulate an individualized aesthetic plan that will bring your vision to life.


The Procedure

A brow lift can be completed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. Multiple brow lift methods exist, including the endoscopic method and coronary incision method. While the endoscopic brow lift has become the preferred choice, both techniques have their advantages. Dr. Marc Everett will determine which option is best for each patient on an individual basis during an initial consultation.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

After the patient has been properly numbed using an anesthetic, several small incisions are made within the hairline. An endoscope, a long, thin metal tube with a camera attached at the end, is inserted through the incisions to provide visual access to the tissues of the forehead. The underlying muscle tissue is then pulled and repositioned to eliminate wrinkles, and any excess fat or skin is trimmed away. The incisions are closed using sutures.

The endoscopic method is less invasive than other techniques, resulting in a faster recovery with fewer risks. The incisions are safely made within the hairline and are completely hidden by the surrounding hair.

Coronary Incision Method

The coronary incision brow lift method, also referred to as an open brow lift, was the traditional technique for forehead lifts before the endoscopic method gained prevalence in recent years. Once the patient has been numbed, one long incision stretching from ear-to-ear is made within the hairline. The forehead is then pulled upwards, and any excess skin or tissue is removed before suturing the incision closed.

This method is more invasive than the endoscopic method but may be the preferred choice depending on the patient’s desired results and the recommendation of the surgeon. Despite the larger incision, scarring is still nonvisible since the incision is kept within the scalp and hidden by natural hair growth. This method often provides a mildly lengthier and more uncomfortable recovery but can produce effective results.

Recovery & Results

Brow lifts are completed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home the same day as their surgery. The surgery typically lasts one to two hours. Bruising, pain, swelling, numbness, and itchiness are common side effects that can last two to four weeks, depending on the procedural method used.

Patients can return to work in seven to ten days and resume exercise and other strenuous activities in three to four weeks. If necessary, stitches will be removed about one week after the procedure. Makeup can be used to cover up visible side effects while the patient recovers. Final results will continue to develop over about three months as swelling diminishes and incisions continue to heal, although immediate results will be noticeable right after the procedure.


How long will results last?

A brow lift can eliminate wrinkles for many years to come, but it will not stop the effects of aging. The exact longevity of brow lift results varies depending on the patient, but most patients can expect to enjoy their results for seven to 10 years. Proper skincare and injectable treatments can be used to further hold wrinkles at bay.

Will a brow lift eliminate my crow’s feet?

A brow lift is not meant to target crow’s feet but may make a small change in their appearance. If you are genuinely interested in eliminating crow’s feet, ask us about how injectable fillers can restore volume during your initial consultation.

Will there be noticeable scars?

Incisions will be kept within the scalp or the hairline, ensuring they remain nonvisible.

Will the position of my eyebrows change after the procedure?

The skin of the forehead will be pulled upwards to eliminate wrinkles and create smoother, more youthful skin. Doing so can cause a slight raise of the eyebrows but can be kept minimal with the skill of an expert surgeon. We will take great care during your procedure to ensure you achieve your desired results without an unnatural or unwanted change in your appearance.

Am I a good candidate for a brow lift?

Patients in good health who are bothered by forehead wrinkles, loose skin, and impaired vision are generally good candidates for a brow lift. Patients of most ages can choose to benefit from a brow lift. We will determine if you are a good candidate for a brow lift during an initial consultation.

Which brow lift technique is best for me?

We evaluate patients on an individual basis during an initial consultation to determine the extent of the patient’s loose skin and better understand any specific concerns that the patient would like addressed. We will explain each procedure with you in detail and let you know ahead of time which method we will perform. The endoscopic method is generally the preferred method due to its minimally invasive nature and ability to produce subtler but very effective results.