
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Manhattan, NY and Queens, NY

Gynecomastia New York

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged male breasts due to excess fat and glandular tissue. Gynecomastia reduction surgery, essentially the male equivalent to reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess tissue to sculpt the patient’s chest into a more masculine contour. Gynecomastia can develop as the result of several factors, including:

  • Hormonal imbalances lingering from puberty
  • Anabolic steroid use
  • The use of certain medications
  • Loss of testosterone due to aging
  • Weight gain

If enlarged male breasts have affected your self-confidence and made you feel uncomfortable in your own body, then consider undergoing gynecomastia reduction surgery. Dr. Marc Everett offers gynecomastia reduction surgery to male patients interested in increasing their self-esteem and improving their masculine appearance.

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Procedure Details

The Liposuction Method

Gynecomastia reduction can be performed using multiple different techniques, depending on the needs of each patient. If the patient’s excess breast tissue is comprised mostly of fat and little to no skin sagging is present, then liposuction is often the preferred surgical technique.

Either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation will be used to numb the patient before surgery. Multiple incisions are then made to allow insertion of the liposuction cannula, a thin metal tube that is used to suction out fatty tissue. Incisions are small and may be located on the border of the areola, along the natural crease of the lower chest, and on the side of the chest.

Using multiple incisions allows the surgeon to sculpt the chest from different angles more naturally. The incisions used during the procedure will vary between patients. After the cannula has suctioned out the excess tissue, the incisions will be sutured shut.

The Tissue Excision Method

The excision method is best for patients whose enlarged male breasts are comprised mostly of glandular tissue. The tissue excision method is also performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. After the patient has been numbed, a small incision on the lower border of the areola is made to provide access to the underlying gynecomastia tissue.

After the glandular tissue has been loosened underneath the skin, it is directly excised through the periareolar incision. Patients with moderate to severe amounts of excess tissue and skin sagging are good candidates for this technique. If the fatty tissue is present in addition to glandular tissue, then the liposuction and excision methods may be combined to provide comprehensive treatment. If excess skin is also an issue and needs to be removed, then additional incisions may be made to create a tighter and more masculine contour.

‍Recovery & Results

After undergoing gynecomastia reduction surgery, patients should expect to spend two to three weeks recovering. Most patients can return to work within one week, regardless of which technique was performed. Exercise and more strenuous activities may be resumed starting two to three weeks after surgery.

If surgical drains and non-dissolvable sutures were used, they would be removed about one week following surgery. Patients’ chests will be wrapped in a compression garment immediately following the procedure to provide support to the tissue as it heals and helps minimize swelling. In addition to the swelling, typical side effects include tenderness, bruising, and loss of sensation in the treated area. Any loss of sensation is typically temporary and will gradually recover over several months.

A difference in chest size will be immediately noticeable, although final results will take two to three months to develop fully as swelling and side effects continue to diminish. Results tend to provide lifelong satisfaction, although weight gain, steroid use, and certain medical conditions can result in the new development of excess tissue.


Dr. Marc Everett want to help you feel happy in your own skin. We understand that enlarged male breasts caused by gynecomastia can have lasting effects on your self-confidence. We believe that all men should feel comfortable shirtless and want to provide the resources you need to get there. To learn more about this life-changing procedure, call us today to schedule an in-person consultation. You can reach our New York Office at 212-774-7715 to book your appointment.


Which age is best for undergoing gynecomastia reduction surgery?

Adult men of any age can undergo gynecomastia reduction surgery to eliminate their male breasts. Generally speaking, the earlier the procedure is performed in a patient’s life, the better. Gynecomastia can have adverse psychological effects on the patient’s self-esteem, so we recommend coming in as soon as you are willing to undergo surgery.

For how long will I need to wear the compression garment?

Most patients need to wear their compression garments for three to six weeks to ensure optimal results. Compression helps the body recover more quickly and will mitigate any residual swelling that can temporarily affect your visible results. We will discuss post-surgery instructions and recommendations with you in more detail before the date of your surgery.

How noticeable are the scars?

While every patient would like to avoid noticeable signs of surgery, scarring is an inevitable part of gynecomastia reduction surgery. Rest assured, we will take every precaution possible to ensure your results are not affected by distracting scars. We always place scars as inconspicuously as possible to hide them within the natural folds of the skin. Once your scars mature about 12 to 18 months after the procedure, they will take on the appearance of fine white lines.

Which surgical technique is best for me?

Without an in-person consultation, determining which method we would need to perform to treat your gynecomastia is difficult. Schedule a consultation to receive a personalized evaluation so that we may better determine which method will provide the best results for you.

Am I a good candidate for gynecomastia reduction surgery?

Adult men with enlarged breasts who are healthy and have realistic expectations about the procedure make the best candidates for gynecomastia reduction surgery. To learn if you are a good candidate based on your desired results and anatomy, schedule an in-person consultation with us.